J-Dawg & The NUT!

Hi, Our names are Chesnut & Jasper AND we're walking with our superhuman to lend a paw to our furry friends in need.

Please support our Million Paws Walk to fight animal cruelty!

Jasper (J-Dawg) is a rescue, while his best friend Chesnut (The NUT), not so much.  Did you know that nearly 20,000 dogs just like J-Dawg were cared for by the RSPCA in 2022-23? That’s over 52 J-Dawgs every day!

Many of these loving, faithful creatures are victims of cruelty, or bred to turn a profit, abused by their owners or abandoned by the humans they loved so unconditionally.

That’s why J-Dawg and The NUT are walking and wagging in the Million Paws Walk to be held on Sunday, May 26, 2024 at the Burrill Lake Lion's Park.   They are on a mission to raise funds in the fight against animal cruelty.

Will you too be a hero for dogs in need?

Please suppawt J-Dawg and The NUT by making a tax-deductible donation. Every dollar donated goes to the RSPCA to help rescue, rehabilitate and rehome dogs in need. 

Thank you so much!

J-Dawg and The Nut.

My Impact


Animals are in safety and care for the night thanks to my pawsome supporters!

*Based on average cost per night of care in an RSPCA shelter

My Achievements

My Updates


Monday 27th May

RSPCA’s Million Paws Walk was again hosted this year by the RSPCA Shoalhaven Volunteer Branch and this year the RSPCA Millions Paws Walk celebrated its 30th anniversary.  The RSPCA Million Paws Walk at Burrill Lake Lions Park yesterday (Sunday, May 26) was once again a HUGE success. What a wonderful way to end National Volunteer Week for 2024.


As always, the Volunteers with the RSCA’s Shoalhaven Branch were very happy to see all  the amazing dogs at this year’s Million Paws Walk and were thrilled at meeting all their families and friends.  The volunteers also send out a very big thank you to everyone who turned out today and participated in the walk and helped to contribute to making the day such fantastic time for all.


It is terrific that we all get to celebrate such a fantastic milestone like the 30th anniversary of Million Paws Walk and the RSPCA Shoalhaven Volunteer Branch is especially grateful for the community’s support for our mission.  There is certainly no better way to celebrate than being a part of a fun and dog-friendly environment like such as Million Paws Walk at Burrill Lake Lions Park.


On a personal note, Jasper (J-Dawg) and Chesnut (The NUT) want to thank all those who donated to their Million Paws Walk fundraising Facebook page.  You all contributed to their raising over $2800 which will go a long way to helping the RSPCA continue to do their great work.


Wednesday 22nd May
Chesnut (The NUT) and I and Jasper (J-Dawg) and Mary want to thank all those people who have donated, whether it be stopping us during are daily walks, or knocking on my door to make a donation or donating online via J-Dawg & The NUT's Million Paws Walk Face Book Page.  Your generosity is truly greatly appreciated and will go a long way to helping the RSPCA save so many animals in need.

Today is Dollar Match Day at Million Paws Walk

Wednesday 15th May

Paws everything! Today is Dollar Match Day at Million Paws Walk, which means your donations will be doubled by Royal Canin.

This amazing offer starts at 10AM and applies to donations up to $250 each, and $20,000 in total.

Get ready to donate this morning and be a hero for dogs in need! Please donate here: https://www.millionpawswalk.com.au/fundraisers/stewcraig


Tuesday 14th May
Well, it seems Jasper (J-Dawg) & Chesnut (The NUT), have done it again and broken another donation target. These two cool canines have now mustered over $2800 in donations for the RSPCA and they hope to attract just a few more donations before the big day!!

J-Dawg and The NUT send out a big thank you to all those who have donated to the RSPCA Million Paws Walk so far. Your support, as always, is greatly appreciated.

By the way, the RSPCA Million Paws Walk is on Sunday May 26 and you too can register online at https://www.millionpawswalk.com.au/shoalhaven or register at the Lions Park on the day from 9:30am.

The 1.2km walk will kick off at 11:00am and meanders through Burrill Lake's beautiful Lions Park and you are most welcome to make the walk as long or as short for you and your pooch as you need.

Of course before the walk you can also enjoy delicious food, coffee and cake, dog demonstrations, music, competitions and prizes, all in support of a great cause.

It’s set to be a tail-waggingly good day so put on your walking shoes and get ready for a fun day out with the pooch and family!

If you haven't already please consider making a donation via J-Dawg and The Nut's fundraising page. Any amount will do, it all helps. Simply click here: https://www.millionpawswalk.com.au/fundraisers/stewcraig/nsw-2024?ref=7KV31470RL566114J

J-Dawg & The Nut will be joining their Superpooch buddies @ Burrill Lake MPW

Thursday 2nd May
Japser (J-Dawg) & Chesnut (The Nut) have so far raised over $2800 for the RSPCA Million Paws Walk and hopefully the donations they raise will continue.  

J-Dawg and The Nut with all their Superpooch buddies are going to be at Burrill Lake Lions Park which will be hosted by the RSPCA Shoalhaven Volunteer Branch.

The RSPCA Million Paws Walk is on Sunday May 26 and you can register online at https://www.millionpawswalk.com.au/shoalhaven or at the Lions Park on the day from 9:30am.

The 1.2km walk will kick off at 11:00am and meanders through Burrill Lake's beautiful Lions Park and you are most welcome to make the walk as long or as short for you and your superpooch as you want.

Of course before the walk you can also enjoy delicious food, coffee and cake, dog demonstrations, music, competitions and prizes, all in support of a great cause.

It’s set to be a tail-waggingly good day so put on your walking shoes and get ready for a fun day out with the pooch and family! 

Up, up and away!!!

Wednesday 24th Apr
We were amazed this morning when we got the message that our two Superpooch heroes had passed their $1300 donation target amount and raised over $2800 so far. This is the best we've ever done and that in itself makes it worth while.

Jasper (J-Dawg) and Chesnut (The NUT) have been working hard to get these much needed funds together for the RSPCA and to get this far with just over a month still to go is amazing.

Our Superpooches want to thank all those who have donated thus far, your generosity is going to help a lot of animals in the RSPCA's care. Needless to say our super heroes don't want to stop, not yet!! They will continue their super canine effort to try raise as much as they can up until the day of the Million Paws Walk.

Another BIG THANK YOU!!!

Saturday 20th Apr
Today J-Dawg & The NUT received a donation of $120.00 from the "LADIES WHO LUNCH" which makes these lovely ladies their highest donator so far.  This donation brings the total raised by Jasper (J-Dawg) and Chesnut (The NUT) to $1362.00.  This is an incredible amount which far surpasses what we expected to raise in total.  But we still have over a month to go, so these two mischievous mutts are going to keep on trying to raise as much as they can for the RSPCA NSW.

Thanks for helping

Thursday 7th Mar
Jasper (aka J-Dawg) and Chesnut (aka The NUT, aka The Chesnut Kid) send a big thank you to those who have helped them to make their initial Million Paws Walk target of $252.  They are now going to try for more and with a bit more help these two mutts might just do it!







Royal Canin Matched Donation


Ladies Who-lunch




Ian Carroll








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