Fiona Ballantyne

Hi, My name is Bear AND i'm walking with my superhuman to lend a paw to our furry friends in need.

Please support my Million Paws Walk to fight animal cruelty!

Did you know that nearly 20,000 dogs were cared for by the RSPCA in 2022-23? That’s over 52 dogs every day!

Many of these precious pups are victims of cruelty, bred to turn a profit, abused by their owners or abandoned by the humans they loved unconditionally.

Even one dog is too many.

That’s why I'm walking and wagging at Million Paws Walk. I'm on a mission to raise funds in the fight against animal cruelty.

Will you be a hero for dogs in need?

Please suppawt me by making a tax-deductible donation. Every dollar donated will help rescue, rehabilitate and rehome dogs in need. Thank you so much!

My Impact


Animals are in safety and care for the night thanks to my pawsome supporters!

*Based on average cost per night of care in an RSPCA shelter

My Achievements



Jeff Browne

Best of luck Fi & Bear!


Elliott Etheridge


Frank Danieli

Great cause fighting against animality cruelty, good luck!


Anthony Habis

Great cause!


Chris Slater

Great cause - go Fi & Bear!


Royal Canin Matched Donation


Coal Miners


Will Botha

Well done Bear - love from Oska.





Great work Fi and Bear


Amanda And Lola

Go Bear and Fi!


Ma Foundation

Good luck Fi and Bear!


Royal Canin Matched Donation


The Clo$er

Better late than never ❤️❤️❤️



Great work Fi & Bear 🩷




Sarah Sagvand

Great cause Fi! Go Bear! ♥


Emile Amine

Great initiative and all the best with the walk !


David Roberts

Got you to the $4k! Awesome work Fi and Bear! From Dave, Loz, Rosie and Max


Christian Sampson

Go get them Fi (and Bear)!


David Harrison

Get her on OnlyPaws


Ed Hawke


Camila & Richie Draper

Amazing cause Fi & Bear! Love from Charlie x


Michael Leonard

Go Fi!! Great cause!!


Fiona Ballantyne



Kisses Bear & Fi xx




Dannielle Pokora

Yay, go Fi and Bear, what a great cause xx


Harry Pulver


Amelia Hill Salter

Well done Fi & Bear! X


James Collins

Go Bear & Fiona! You'll smash it!


James Sandelin

Go Fi!


William Taylor

Pawsome work!



Good luck Fi!


Sarah Jacobs


Alice Tucker

Go Fi and Bear! Hugo and I might join you next year x


Ed Hawke

What up





Go Fi & Bear! It’s a great cause!


Royal Canin Matched Donation


Jack Dyson

Great work Fi



Great job Bear and Fi! xx




Royal Canin Matched Donation


Candice Green


Lisa Reynolds


Tom Browne